Rukes of forum page 2
1. Never Spam, Flood or Swear in ANY |THREAD.
2. Do not post ANY content which influences Sex, Drugs, Alcohol or anything like it.
3. Do not Post any weblinks that link to Viruses or Trojans
4. Do not post Any thing that dosent make sense, for e.g.
I don't know this!!!
What do you do?!
Explain what is happening.
5. If you have a issue or want to discuss a ban/warning you have being given, write a PM to moderator/administrator that gave you it.
6. Banning Rules
If you have being given a Ban it's because of one of these issues
A. You have broke the rules with premeditation. (for example giving away Pornography xD)
B. You have 3 warnings in your profile
If you get another ban again, ban will be permanent (First Ban is for a Week)
7. If the thread is in the wrong Category it will be moved (If done on purpose it a warning)